Re: The slowest street in Melbourne''s CBD: Three ways to get us moving faster OT

"Melburnians' disdain for bus travel in unrivalled in Australian capital cities."

Has the journalist noticed that in Melbourne, the street transport task is shared between trams and buses unlike every other Australian capital city (except Adelaide and Sydney where the tram patronage is still too tiny to have a bearing on overall figures)? Naturally, Melbourne will have a smaller proportion using buses, doh.

Except for Perth, Melbourne buses have actually had the strongest patronage growth and recovery of any capital city bus system in Australia when measured from the national public transport low-point of the 1970-80s. The main problem seems to be that their organisation by the state agency doesn't seem to be very good, an endemic problem with bus systems generally along the east coast.

And then not mentioning transponders for trams. Another Age journalistic fail.

Tony P

---InTramsDownUnder@..., <tressteleg@...> wrote :

It is notable that firstly trams are basically ignored, but the report recommends equipping buses to trigger traffic lights, something which the trams so desperately need.
