Re: Sydney Light Rail (CSELR) Now GC Riders prefer buses.

The ;) emoticon indicates tongue in cheek, I thought that was widely understood.

Tony P

---InTramsDownUnder@..., <tressteleg@...> wrote :

Ride for yourself before you condemn.

I'm commenting as a former tram conductor who had to overcome G forces while selling tickets with 2 hands.


On 17 Aug 2017, at 11:29 am, prescottt@... mailto:prescottt@... [TramsDownUnder] TramsDownUnder@...>; wrote:

You'll really have to ask Translink Richard, I have no idea and I haven't been at Gold Coast recently so I can't relate direct experience. Issues like on-time running and service frequency would fall outside the "comfort" question. The quality of ride in a bus depends largely on the conditon of the roads and the competence and attitude of the driver. This varies greatly between cities and operations. There's no problem standing when both are good.

You'll also find a very large number of people don't like rear-facing seats. You can detect attitudes in various cities by looking at which seats people head for when they board. Indeed many studies have been done on this internationally. Buses have mostly forward-facing and longitudinal (which people also seem to not mind) seats, trams in Australia have half their seats facing backwards. Most studies identify personal space as a big issue and many people are averse to facing and sharing knees with a stranger. Neurological issues are also a factor. A snippet on the subject:

The acceleration/deceleration on Gold Coast trams can't be all that great if you can stand only with leg bracing! Riding a tram in Czech Republic you'll quickly be on the floor if you don't have a hand on something - and that's not from rough driving, but just from G forces. Obviously "the G" lacks G forces and should be renamed on the grounds of misrepresentation forthwith! ;)

Tony P