Re: Maroon City Circle Trams
  Mal Rowe

On 22/09/2017 4:36 PM, Tony Gallowayarg@... [TramsDownUnder] wrote:

> If they wanted something really flash for the CC they should have gone for the early 50s Brunswick Green, with cream trim and gold lining out.

.... which is excactly what they are now doing - except that the MMTB official colour is *Hawthorn *Green.

* Easy to remember Tony: Hawthorn is Tory territory while Brunswick is
Labor edging towards Green. ;-)

The original idea was to have a different colour scheme so that 'free' City Circle trams were different to the rest of the fleet.
Now Hawthorn Green and Cream fulfils that function.  I just wish they could make the MMTB monogram and the fleet number on the sides the correct size.

Mal Rowe - in Far West Brunswick (aka Essendon)

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