Re: Car ahead on the 86 ?
  Mick Duncan

Gday Richard

Your dead right

Too fast, too close is the main cause of Rear Ons.

Why some drivers get to close to the tram in front
has always amazed me.

You cant pass the bugger

Cheers, Mick, who never has a rear on

On 22/07/2017 4:24 PM, Richard Youltressteleg@... [TramsDownUnder] wrote:


> You add more complexities to a tram and you end up with more things to go wrong and disrupt the service.


> Any number of things can cause a car ahead collision but nearly always it comes back to the driver not taking into account circumstances such as leaves on the track and going to fast in such situations.


> Or simply daydreaming or otherwise distracted.


> Regards,
