Re: 3013 mfb training
  Mick Duncan

Gday Richard

How true, how true

Fire brigade worst then Ambos then Cops

Cheers, Mick

On 20/05/2017 4:18 PM, Richard Youltressteleg@... [TramsDownUnder] wrote:


> Hi Noel,


> In Melbourne just the hint of a fire was enough excuse for a fire engine to be parked on the tram line.


> One evening I was pulling into the then safety zone outside the city baths coming from the Uni when a fire engine entered the zone from the south end and stopped on the track right in front of me.


> There had been a chlorine leak at the baths and they responded. So I was stuck there until they felt like moving.


> I had a neutral attitude to emergency services before joining the tramway but it did not take long for impressions to become quite negative at least for 2 of the 3.


> So if Melbourne ever had fire hos e jumpers, they certainly were rendered useless by the late 1980s if not sooner.


> Are things any different now?


> Regards,


> Richard
