Re: Re: IWLR stuff - ads, delays and special work.
  Ted Gay

You've got me confused.  There was only one track into Lilyfield until work started on the DH ext.
One day the four trams in service were between Rozelle Bay and Lilyfield.  Why?
A driver when exiting his cab at Lilyfield had set his master-switch to 'Neutral' and not to 'Off'.  When he tried firing up the other cab he got an alarm and message about not being able to have two cabs active.He was a Turk and his English was lost due to his confusion and the DOC didn't speak either Turkish or Arabian.By now there was a tram waiting at the 'Home' signal.  What the contoller should have done was send that driver the 100 or so metres on foot to rescue the stranded tram.  What the DOC did was to send one of the fitters by tram to Lilyfield.  I was waiting at Rozelle Bay where the signal was displaying 'Drive On Sight' and was instructed to close up on the tram ahead and later had the fourth tram closed up behind mine.  Out jumped the fitter and he sprinted to the cripple where he switched off the offending master switch.
Had a similar incident at WP when the driver had done the same as above and also couldn't follow radio instructions. I was waiting at the 'Home' signal and was told to walk over and sort out the matter.
Any number of little unusual incidents can cause delays.  Steadily each driver can pick up tips and tricks, it is just unfortunate that some are slower at it than others.  Also what hampers this learning is Management'sattitude that the drivers were never to show any initiative or do anything unusual without the DOC's say-so.  At some point word got around that a manual of solutions to common errors etc was to be placed in each cab..  Nah! Never came about but a manual containing model messages to be given over the intercom to the passengers was provided, "I 've no f&$@ing  idea what I've buggered up" became "Due to technical difficulties".  No doubt produced by the marketing dept.
TedDing ding

From: " [TramsDownUnder]" TramsDownUnder@...>
Sent: Saturday, 25 March 2017, 17:42
Subject: Re: [TramsDownUnder] Re: IWLR stuff - ads, delays and special work.

  At the Central end it's unhassled because it's a loop. Trams have several minutes scheduled standing time there that they can chew into if they're running late and have to recover. There's even scope for another tram to come in behind them while the one before is still there and stand while the one before leaves. 
It's the single track stub at Dulwich Hill that remains the problem. They are given as little as two to three minutes there to change ends and get out again, so if one is running late, other trams back up behind and block the line. There's absolutely no recovery provision at Dulwich Hill. The line was designed with almost infinite capacity at one end and very little at the other. 
There was provision for two tracks at the original Lilyfield terminus so somebody must have had a clue then, but the operation was so quiet it wasn't mostly needed. The stroke of "genius" came about in design of the extension to Dulwich Hill. I don't know who the culprit is, whether TfNSW or a consultant.
Tony P
---InTramsDownUnder@..., <tressteleg@...> wrote :

Until there is adequate recovery time at BOTH ends of the line, the operation will continue to be erratic.


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